Swiming, flying and four wheel driving. All in a days work.
It must of been a friday. I ran into a couple of problems yesterday with the tank at new well. I was expecting to get out of Napperby yesterday afternoon but a water tank gently suggested that a Jenny Craig weight loss program is required.
Plastic water tanks normally have a piece of PVC piping installed into the center to help support the 'weight' of the roof. In most cases a bit of careful manuvering will allow a fair amount of work to be done on top. The tank at New well was missing one small item, the piece of PVC piping that supports the roof. As I was counter balancing myself applying a 'tek' screw to mount a camera bracket the center suddenly colasped.
Opps, Very painful to fix as you need to get inside the tank to install the support and the cover had gone missing as well. Several birds (many) had departed the 'flying world' inside the tank. The smell and floatsum was not a pleasent experiance this morning. I'm sure a few tourists didn't enjoy the sight of a two very large, and very white men standing on top of a water tank in just their jocks either. It seemed to be very busy on the Tanami Track this morning.
Ah, everything done and now time to leave for Tennant Creek. Show day in Tennant Creek is a lovely place. Drunks in the mainstreet, Burnt parma (yes it is a friday and I had missed lunch at the pub) and a really dodgy room for the night.
Tennant creek is a place where you can hear the locals 'celebrating' all the time and the fireworks and crackers get let off on a regular basis. They must be a really happy bunch here. Oh and I forgot it was voted one of the most deadly places on earth by the media... (ok it was, ACA and today tonight so it doesn't really count).
I plan to be in the air before 8:00am and should be at PGH before lunchtime. The jabiru super lifter will be very heavy getting off the ground so I am hoping for a good takeoff headwind. Pressure altitude will be a very real factor tomorrow with it predicted to be around 3500'. With that issue a very nice, long runway will be needed. The aircraft should be about 60 kilos lighter when I get to Pidgeon Hole so it will be able to perform slightly better. This is not a trip to be done when the dry season is coming to a end.
I heard a little story about a fellow Torradin flyer getting grounded in Katherine by CASA. They dont like the idea of a round Australia aerochute flight without any support. I'm sure I will hear more as I head that way. The concept of 30kn's (50 odd k per hour) flat out would drive me nuts.
Oh well, I think its time I headed to bed as it sounds like the local footy team has just won their first match for the year. Good on them, but breaking bottles and yelling at each other is a strange way to celebrate.