Monday, July 7, 2008

Where's the blasted indicator on this thing.

Got away from Kaldunda just as the sun come over the horizon. Some of the locals gathered around this morning to watch me take off, but I suspect they were just still drinking from last night.
My promised "road tax" was put to good use as I managed to avoid a fine for using a unroadworthy motor "car" on a public road, She wasn't sure on where it stood with the rego, but it appeared that some body forgot to put indicators and brake lights on it. :)

The West Macdonald ranges where absolutely spectacular just after dawn. I finally managed to get some decent flying weather with a sutble tailwind pushing me in just the right direction. Clear Blue skys were more than welcome this morning. It's hard to imagine that Mt Giles sits at almost 5500' feet.
The trip over the ranges took just over and hour and a half without any possible landing sites. They make the Victorian Alps look tame.
Operational safety required a cruise altitude of 8500'. A fairly high cruise level for a Jabiru. Class D airspace was at 8500' so I could'nt take it any higher.
I should be here till around Thursday and will then head to Pigdeon Hole to knock off the 3-4 days work that I have there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like the GPS unit in the photo - Alice left, Adelaide right. And you don't need reading glasses either