Back into Daly Waters Pop. 27 (locals and 300 terrorists) to wait for the Friday night mail truck. There are only so many spare parts that can be carried at once and many more ways to break things you don't have spare parts for. I should be heading back to Kidman springs for a couple of hours work in the morning and then heading east to Cloncurry (QLD)on Sunday.
I've spent the last 3 days or so at Hogdson Downs working with some of the locals trying to set up their own cattle station. The weather everyday has been around 33-34 degrees with a nice sea breeze. The locations are amazing and the fishing is even better. Vincent (one of the community Elders) has been trying to convince me to come back for a weekends fishing just before the Wet.
The locals are trying to create a independent, successful community and are determined to do what they can to make it happen. The elders have all welcomed the 'intervention' and think it's great that the new local copper has taken on the challenge of coaching the local footy team.
I'm glad that followed rule number one of using bush airstrips... Precautionary overflys are highly recommended even though that I was told the airstrip would be the best place to land. Those little bushes are a little larger when you are on the ground and looking at them. The nice long runway at the community was the best option and all the local kids found it funny that someone my size could fit into a 'little' plane like the Jabiru. :)
A great read for a city slicker. cheers
What would the RSPCA say about the torture of that poor little piglet?
Dear Anonymous,
Please feel free to call the RSPCA the number in Darwin is 0889843795.
Please advise them that the poor little piglet was found beside it's dead mother and has been tortured here in numerous ways.
i.e. let to run free, fed scraps after every meal, and supplied with a full bucket of water, it has also be-friended up with the camp dog and snuggles into it every night.
But I know, just looking at that photo straight away tells you that it is being tortured! WHAT THE....!from,
The Pigs Owner
mmm Bacon, nice thick strips at that too.
If it's contemplating eating those shoes???? "And the pig got up and slowly walked away"
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