Thursday, July 3, 2008

The best laid plans...

I Finally managed to get going after a two day weather delay and made it as far as Renmark with a three and a bit flight time. Got to love a 10 knot tailwind. For once the BOM got something right.
Ballarats weather this morning was cold, wet and cloudy. I sat on the ground till at least 10:30 chomping at the bit to get going. I swear I wore a path into the concrete trying to find a break in the weather to the west.

The flight out from Ballarat was interesting to say the least. I ended up flying at between 2000' and 2500' till I got to the SA border when I could finally climb to 3500. I was hoping to have more of a glide margin as I crossed the "Big desert". I had at least 3 encounters with carby icing when I turned north from Nhill. It Cleared up quickly once the carby heat was applied.
Renmark has become a overnight stay due to fuel supply issues. I confirmed that fuel was
available before I left Ballarat but guess what... It took three hours to get someone out to unlock the fuel pump. The three hour delay meant that I would not make Port Augusta before dark so off to a cheapy motel room for the night.
I plan to leave early in the morning and get to Olympic dam by lunchtime so I can finally do some real work. Bring on the card based fuel bowsers..



Anonymous said...

la de dah

well done


Jol Blazey said...

so carb icing is not for cakes i take it. does that mean the single prop stops? glad you arrived. jol.

Anonymous said...

The carby fills with ice from the outside temps, moisture and pressure drops. Similar to the effect of a gas bottle being filled with the gas being vented.. Ice can build up to the point of blocking the airflow into the carby.. the motor will stop.