Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Horrible four letter words.

Work. Ok i've said and boy can Roy Chisholm make you do that. 7am start and a 7:30pm finish.

I have basically spent the day installing a camera and replacing some of Roys patch up wiring with a more stable animal proof version. Boundry is up and running with a few additions such as a rain gauge and camera facing the trough. I still need to remount the camera at New Well.

I will be heading out of here tomorrow about lunchtime and it should be a good race to Tennant Creek. Jabiru vers Roy's Cessena. I Suspect that the Cessena may beat me but I will give it a go. Landing in Tennant will be interesting as they have a 2950m strip that is 35m wide, The little jab only needs a couple hundred of it to get into the air. Land short and I will be taxing for hours. Not the place to practice short landings. :)

I plan to stay the night in Tennant and then head out to Pidgeon Hole in the morning to avoid the predicted dust storms out in the Tanami.

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